Standard Penetration Test

Jual alat spt standard penetration test set

alat yang menggunakan split barrel sampler untuk mendapatkan sampel tanah yang representatif dan mengukur ketahanan tanah terhadap penetrasi.

JS-130 A
ASTM D-1586 / AASHTO T-206
For driving a split barrel sampler to obtain a representative soil sample and measure the soil resistance to penetration.


SKUNama PartSpesifikasiJumlah
JS-131Split Barrel SamplerHardened machined steel, 1 3/8″ I.d; 18″ length.1pc
JS-132Sampling RodSteel pipe, 1.5 m length.20pcs
JS-133Drive weight AssemblyConsist of :
JS-133.1HammerSteel, 63.5 kg weight1pc
JS-133.2AnvilMachine steel1pc
JS-133.3Guide RodSteel, 76.2 cm drop height.1pc
JS-134Tripod AssemblyConsist of :
JS-134.1Tripod Stand,Steel pipe1pc
JS-134.2Pulley20 cm dia.1pc
JS-134.3Rope3/4″ dia x 15 mtr.1rol
JS-137Machine steel.1pc
JG-739Pipe Wrench24″ length.2pcs

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